Thursday, November 15, 2012


We are back up and running!!! We will begin to post and watch the events as they unfold over the next few years. Our main mission will be to help identify new leadership in the GOP. They have failed us more in the past few years and have created a much weaker party. We need to help to identify strong leadership that can help turn our country around and create a bright future. We will watch both sides of the spectrum and ensure that moves are being made for the improvement of the country. We will be vocal and critical when needed and praise when earned. We have been out played and out marketed over the last 6 years and need to help to put the party back in touch with the American people. We need to help pave the way for the younger generation to ensure the survival of the country! Please feel free to join in the conversations as well initiate ideas portray thoughts and help identify leadership.

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